Monday, November 29, 2010

My moms opinions not my own.
1. What forms of energy are available?
Hydro, Solar, and electricity.
2. What are the benefits and drawbacks of current energy sources?
drawbacks are using natural resources up, and causing the climate to change. The benefits are that
there's plenty of natural resources left.
3. How can we provide the energy we need while maintaining ecological balance?
By conserving the energy and recycling so that we have more energy.
4. How does the climate change?
Climate changes from the atmosphere in our oceans, and then green house gases get trapped in the
atmosphere heating the planet, causing ice bergs to melt.
5. How do we study global climate change?
geoligists and other scientests monitor changes in nature such as how much glaciers have melted and
migration of animals and they track it to compare it to historic data.
6. Why is there a disconnect between what science is telling us and what the public and politicans
are doing about climate change?
there is a disconnect because politicans are telling the public climate change is a myth. My theory
is politicans don't want the public to know what the goverment scientests have discovered because
they don't want the public to be scared and it could be costy. To implement programs to prevent
climate changes.
7. What role if any do morality, ethics, and spirituality play in adressing climate change?
I don't think morality or spirituality play any roles, but ethics does because large international
companys can affect, the enviroment as much as households can. And it's ehtical for companies to be
aware and take action towards climate change.
8.What leads some people to commit themselfs deeply to addressing climate change?
wite me i grew up in a rain forest, and over the seven years i lived there i could see slight
changes so i think those deeply commited to preventing climate change have been exposed and or aware
of climate change since young.
9. what is the hardest thing about addressing climate change?
hardest thing about addressing climate change is getting everyone on same page.

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