Sunday, November 14, 2010

Biome hw 2
Vanishing forest
The vanishing forest is patches of rain forest in brazil, which is the world’s most biologically diverse habitat. It has been bulldozed, chain sawed, set on fire, to remove trees which might have been standing now. If it continues like it currently is, scientists predict that 40 percent of the amazon will be destroyed and another 20 percent will be damaged.
Some questions I have are what is the leading cause of destruction of the rain forests?
Answer: I think the answer would probably be people cutting it down to make paper.

In Congo’s Djeke triangle, gorillas are hooting, and pounding there chests rapidly. Kingo and his family of western gorillas, are giving researchers the opportunity to learn about this native gorilla and his family. They can learn their eating habits, and how they act in general.
Question: What is it about this area that causes the western gorillas to habitat there.
Answer: I assume that the reason the gorillas live there is due to, easy food acess, and also due to cover from predators.

In The Cruelest Place on Earth its a salt mind. Where the bodies of animals make you realize how hot it is. The local Danakil's tribes often have murderous animosity toward each other—and toward outsiders.

Question:Why are Danakil's tribes so violent?
Answer:I couldn't find out.

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