Monday, November 29, 2010

back to 1983

I woke up at 12 pm. I then got dressed, then I shaved, brushed my teeth, put on deodorant etc.. then I had to do my chores which took about an hour. Then I saw as usual there was nothing to eat so me and my sister went to the store. We got powerade, top ramen, and pizza. We got back, and I put away the top ramen. Then started making the pizza for lunch. I then waited till the pizza was done and ate it. Then I went to the basketball court and played basketball with the homies. While we played we talked and as usual clowned eachother. Then I went inside to talk with my little brother because he was crying, and I had to help him with something. Then I took a nap for about an hour, Then I woke up and ate dinner. Then I did the dishes. Then I took a shower and went to bed.

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