Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Welcome to the solar system

Welcome to the solar system
quote: "astronomers these days can do the most amazing things. if someone struck a match on the moon, they could spot the flare."

response: After reading the article, the first sentence I read still captured my attention the best. Because I don't understand what it means. Does it mean that if astronauts went to the moon and lit a match on it. That we on earth could see the light. Because If so I don't understand how if earth is so far away from the moon, how we could possibly see it from the earth. But at the same time maybe because we can see the moon at night in the sky, we could see lights flicking on it like even a small lit match.



Quote:"At the age of 15, Lebiniz entered the University of Leipzig as a law student."

Response: The reason I chose that quote is because, many people include myself struggle with passing grades. Trying
to pass there grade. But this guy Lebiniz, was entering a university at the age of 15, and as a law student at that.
Law is a very hard subject, because you gotta know all the laws and how to convince the judge that your client is
innocent. He was learning this at the age of only 15.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Newton reading QQC

Newton reading QQC

Quote: "suppose two nails are driven at random into a wall,
and let the upper nail be connected to the lower by a wire
in the shape of a smooth curve. What is the shape of the wire
down which a bead will slide (without friction) under the
influence of gravity so as to pass from the upper nail to
to the lower in the least possible time?"

Response:This problem was put in the paper, and it said to all the worlds greatest scientests can anyone figure this out. When I first read this problem, I thought how could anyone possibly figure this out. I thought about how I might try and figure out the problem. However every diffrent method I thought of didn't seem to work.Some of the methods I thought of was I would try and make 2 variables one for each nail. Then have another variable for the wire connecting both of the nails. But then they had to add to the confusion, and say what is the shape of the wire down which a bead will slide. I couldn't think of how you could figure out the wire connecting the nails, and now they ask what shape will a bead slide down it. Even if someone told me the equation to properly do this equation. I still think it would take me awhile before I could get the correct answer. But Newton figured out this equation before he went to bed the day he heard it. This was back in the 1600s, and even back then he could figure out this equation with little effort.This was before calculators, computers, it was supposed to be something no one could answer, but Newton answered the question in under a day. That shows just how genius he was for his time. Which makes me wonder if he was alive today, would he come up with some new math equations that we haven't thought of yet.

Monday, November 29, 2010

My moms opinions not my own.
1. What forms of energy are available?
Hydro, Solar, and electricity.
2. What are the benefits and drawbacks of current energy sources?
drawbacks are using natural resources up, and causing the climate to change. The benefits are that
there's plenty of natural resources left.
3. How can we provide the energy we need while maintaining ecological balance?
By conserving the energy and recycling so that we have more energy.
4. How does the climate change?
Climate changes from the atmosphere in our oceans, and then green house gases get trapped in the
atmosphere heating the planet, causing ice bergs to melt.
5. How do we study global climate change?
geoligists and other scientests monitor changes in nature such as how much glaciers have melted and
migration of animals and they track it to compare it to historic data.
6. Why is there a disconnect between what science is telling us and what the public and politicans
are doing about climate change?
there is a disconnect because politicans are telling the public climate change is a myth. My theory
is politicans don't want the public to know what the goverment scientests have discovered because
they don't want the public to be scared and it could be costy. To implement programs to prevent
climate changes.
7. What role if any do morality, ethics, and spirituality play in adressing climate change?
I don't think morality or spirituality play any roles, but ethics does because large international
companys can affect, the enviroment as much as households can. And it's ehtical for companies to be
aware and take action towards climate change.
8.What leads some people to commit themselfs deeply to addressing climate change?
wite me i grew up in a rain forest, and over the seven years i lived there i could see slight
changes so i think those deeply commited to preventing climate change have been exposed and or aware
of climate change since young.
9. what is the hardest thing about addressing climate change?
hardest thing about addressing climate change is getting everyone on same page.

back to 1983

I woke up at 12 pm. I then got dressed, then I shaved, brushed my teeth, put on deodorant etc.. then I had to do my chores which took about an hour. Then I saw as usual there was nothing to eat so me and my sister went to the store. We got powerade, top ramen, and pizza. We got back, and I put away the top ramen. Then started making the pizza for lunch. I then waited till the pizza was done and ate it. Then I went to the basketball court and played basketball with the homies. While we played we talked and as usual clowned eachother. Then I went inside to talk with my little brother because he was crying, and I had to help him with something. Then I took a nap for about an hour, Then I woke up and ate dinner. Then I did the dishes. Then I took a shower and went to bed.

Monday, November 22, 2010

biome hw 1

fresh water
What causes the freshwater to have low salt concentration?
I think the reason for the low salt concentration is because natural reasons.

Originally was the world all a ocean?
I remember hearing the world was originally all a ocean.

what is the coldest it gets in the desert?
"Many mean annual temperatures range from 20-25° C. The extreme maximum ranges from 43.5-49° C. Minimum temperatures sometimes drop to -18° C".

How much of the earth does the forests take up?
"forests occupy approximately one-third of Earth's land area, account for over two-thirds of the leaf area of land plants, and contain about 70% of carbon present in living things".

What are the mosts places with grasslands?
"Savannas of one sort or another cover almost half the surface of Africa (about five million square miles, generally central Africa) and large areas of Australia, South America, and India".

What is a tundra?
"Tundra is the coldest of all the biomes. Tundra comes from the Finnish word tunturi, meaning treeless plain. It is noted for its frost-molded landscapes, extremely low temperatures, little precipitation, poor nutrients, and short growing seasons".

Sunday, November 21, 2010

monsanto's response to food inc.

1. I like how in this paper, they asked some questions that I was wondering while watching this
movie, was are biotreated plants good to eat? I was thinking they probably got some stuff in them
that isn't supposed to be in them. What if it kills us, or gives us some wierd disease. But it said
that biotech crops have been used since 14 years ago. Which means if it did cause anything wrong to
us then it already happened.

Agriculture responses to Food, Inc. Compiled by American Agri-Women

1. This is my favorite article that I read out of the 3. Because in this the author reminds me of
myself. Because he's realistic, I don't believe in saying stuff that won't happen will happen. For
example, I don't think that there will ever be world peace, or end world hunger all that crap.
Because that's how life is. I like this article because he keeps it real, we can't hope to feed
all the food to everyone in the world using the methods that was shown in the film. Because if we
did we'd all be mad. Everything would rise, because it's harder to make, we would have to use alot
more land then we currently use. Also if we raised everything naturally like it was originally. Back
in the day when we did that, weren't there alot more diseases?

The Beef, Pork, and Poultry Industries Respond to Food Inc.

1.I like how this article also, because it shows that while feeding everyone using old fasion farms
sounds nice. Alot of stuff sounds nice but it's not gonna happen. For example, Polyface Farm
according to its Web site houses its chickens in movable shelters that can hold 75 chickens.
A shelter then is towed by a tractor from one plot of pasture to another.The fact is that the
broiler chicken industry has 1.5 billion chickens on the ground at any
one time. To house them the Polyface way would require the use of 20 million shelters, towed by
thousands of tractors, over millions of acres of land. The cost would be enormous, and so would
the “carbon footprint” of diesel-powered tractors and the additional land needed to support the
movable shelter system. This fact i've taken from thier website, is an example of how it's undoable.
Even if we could pull it off why would we? So we could waste more resources. The way I see it don't
fix something if it's not broken.

2.If you were going dedicate your energies to champion one of the issues in any of the writings,
which would you choose and why? In your opinion, what is it about your particular choice that
ranks it above all others? I definatly believe that we should leave the meat industry the way it is,
why are we trying to fix something that isn't broken. It feeds us, it's not that expensive, i'm not
sure what the current price is on chicken. But we have chicken 4 times or more a week, and I always
ask my mom why are we haivng chicken again, and she'll say because it's cheap and good.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Biome hw 2
Vanishing forest
The vanishing forest is patches of rain forest in brazil, which is the world’s most biologically diverse habitat. It has been bulldozed, chain sawed, set on fire, to remove trees which might have been standing now. If it continues like it currently is, scientists predict that 40 percent of the amazon will be destroyed and another 20 percent will be damaged.
Some questions I have are what is the leading cause of destruction of the rain forests?
Answer: I think the answer would probably be people cutting it down to make paper.

In Congo’s Djeke triangle, gorillas are hooting, and pounding there chests rapidly. Kingo and his family of western gorillas, are giving researchers the opportunity to learn about this native gorilla and his family. They can learn their eating habits, and how they act in general.
Question: What is it about this area that causes the western gorillas to habitat there.
Answer: I assume that the reason the gorillas live there is due to, easy food acess, and also due to cover from predators.

In The Cruelest Place on Earth its a salt mind. Where the bodies of animals make you realize how hot it is. The local Danakil's tribes often have murderous animosity toward each other—and toward outsiders.

Question:Why are Danakil's tribes so violent?
Answer:I couldn't find out.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


1. Took out roots
2. dug dirt
3. mixed soil with compost

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oct 14th List

1. Make illustrator garden.
2. Write about plants.
3. Scale to size.
4. Organize.